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index of game design flash - part 2

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Chapter 6: Controlling a Player Character

- Setting up the project files

- Controlling a player character with the keyboard

- Setting screen boundraies

- Scrolling

- Taking it further

- Sumarry

Chapter 7: Bumping into Things

- Setting up the project files

- Ouch!

- Changing a dynamic text field

- Triggering s change of state

- Reducing a health meter

- Updating a score

- Picking up and dropping objects

- Learning the bad news about hitTestObject

- Using hitTestObject

- Creating objects that block movement

- Working eith axis- based collision detection

- Summary

Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Game Design

- Introducing object- oriented programming

- Case study: Dungeon Maze Adventure

- Modifying the game

- Removing objects from the game

- Summary

Chapter 9: Platform Game: Physics and Data Management

- Natural motion using physic

- Case study: Bug Catcher

- New CollisionplayerAndPlatfrom utility

- Summary

Chapter 10: Advanced Object and Character Control

- Dragging and dropping objects

- Moving objects with the mouse

- Easing—advanced

- Case study: Complex mouse- driven player control

- Object factories

- Enemy AI systems

- Using other player control systems

- Dispatching events

- Case study: Space Shooter

- Summary

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