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1. Introduction
2. Unit 1 - Making your Introduction
3. Unit 2 -Sign posting your PResentation
4. Unit 3 - Describing Charts and Trends
5. Unit 4-Describing Charts and Trends
6. Unit 5 -Describing Charts and Trends
7. Unit 6- Voice Technique and Emphasis
8. Unit 7- Closing Down and Summarising
9. Unit 8- Question and Answer
10. Unit 9 -Question and Answer
11. Example Phrases by Function
- Chapter 7 Using an Animation and Effects Library
- Introducing aeon animation
o Tweening values
Handling animation events
Coding single animations
Using complex animators
Creating composite animations
Sequencing multiple animations
Holding and looping animations
Running an animation
- Introducing aether effects
o Exploring the utilities
Simplifying bitmap calls
Making adjustments
o Drawing textures
o Creating bitmap effects
Applying an effect
Combining effects
Using shaders
Creating an image effect
- Summary
Chapter 8 Elemental Animation Effects
- Playing with fire
- Turning to stone
- Waving the flag
- Bringing rain
- Summary
Chapter 9 Text Effects
- Distressing text
- Creating custom bevels
- Building a text animation engine
- Summary
Chapter 10 Video Effects
- Applying runtime filters
o Building a video loader
o Filtering video frames
o Extending ImageEffect for new filters
- Isolating colors for effect
o Creating a color isolation shader
o Extending ShaderEffect
o Highlighting a color for comic book noir
Building dynamic post effects
- Summary
Chapter 11 Sound Visualization Effects
- Loading and playing sound
- Visualizing sound data
o Accessing sound data
o Displaying the waveform
o Displaying the frequencies
o Rounding the waveform
o Evolving effects for visualization
- Summary
Chapter 12 Interactive Effects
- Using image and mouse input
o Loading a local image
o Creating a kaleidoscope
o Rotating the view
- Using webcam and keyboard input
o Coding a distortion shader
o Distorting user video
Working with the Camera class
Displaying camera input
Applying a shader to webcam data
- Summary
Appendix Developing Within Flash and Flex Builder
- Working in Flash CS4
o Working with chapter files in Flash
o Creating a Flash project from scratch
o Using the Flex compiler within Flash
- Working in Flex Builder 3
o Compiling for Flash Player 10
o Working with chapter files in Flex Builder
o Creating a Flex Builder project from scratch
Chapter 1 The Drawing API
- A brief history of the drawing API
- What’s come before
Reviewing the original eight
Drawing straight lines
Drawing curves
Drawing solid fills
Drawing gradient fills
Shapes made easy
Drawing gradient lines
Filling shapes with bitmaps
- And in with the new
o Copying graphics
o Drawing bitmap strokes
o Preserving path data
o Changing points on a path
o Rendering triangles
Breaking down the drawTriangles method
Using bitmap fills
o Introducing shaders
- Summary
Chapter 2 Filters and Blend Modes
- Applying blend modes
o Working with the BlendModes application
o Examining the modes
- Using filters
o BlurFilter
o DropShadowFilter
o GlowFilter
o GradientGlowFilter
o BevelFilter
o GradientBevelFilter
o ColorMatrixFilter
Understanding matrices
Using matrices with the ColorMatrixFilter
o ConvolutionFilter
Convolving pixels
Understanding the parameters
Applying the filter
o DisplacementMapFilter
- Summary
Chapter 3 Bitmaps and BitmapData
- Understanding bitmaps in ActionScript
o Introducing Bitmap
o Accessing BitmapData
o Understanding channel data
Storing grayscale
Adding color
Representing transparency
Specifying channels
- Loading, creating, and displaying bitmaps
o Embedding or loading assets
o Creating bitmaps from scratch
Instantiating BitmapData
Adding data to a Bitmap instance
- Drawing existing graphics into bitmaps
Specifying the source
Transforming source pixels
Wrapping up the draw() method’s parameters
o Copying existing bitmap data
Copying pixels
Setting regions of pixels
o Using bitmaps with the drawing API
o Cleaning up
- Accessing and manipulating colors
o Getting and setting single pixels
Creating a pixel painting application
Determining pixel values
- Filling regions of color
Testing getColorBoundsRect
Flooding with color
o Transforming color
- Summary
Chapter 4 Advanced Bitmap Manipulation
- Adding Pixel Randomization
o Dissolving Pixels
o Making some noise
o Applying Perlin noise
- Applying filters to BitmapData
o Using filters
o Displacing pixels
Adding textures to objects
Creating a fisheye lens
- Performing channel operations
o Copying channels
Copying channels within an instance
Copying channels between instances
o Extracting channel information
- Setting thresholds
Creating 1-bit bitmaps
Chroma keying
o Mapping palettes
Assigning custom color palettes
Applying levels
- Summary
Chapter 5 Pixel Bender and Shaders
- Understanding shaders
- Working with the Pixel Bender Toolkit
o Exploring the interface
o Creating a kernel
o Knowing Flash’s limitations
- Using shaders in the Flash Player
o Embedding bytecode
o Loading kernels at runtime
o Allowing for loading or embedding
o Deconstructing shaders
o Passing parameters to shaders
Providing accessors
Creating a proxy
- Bending pixels
o Creating a custom filter
- Enabling new blend modes
- Drawing with shaders
o Creating custom gradients
o Animating fills
- Performing heavy processing
- Summary
Chapter 6 ActionScript in the Third Dimension
- Displaying objects with depth
o Translating in three dimensions
o Changing perspective
Exploring perspective projection
Extruding text
o Rotating around axes
Flipping an image
Scrolling text
Constructing models out of planes
- Transforming objects
o Vector3D
Performing simple vector math
Measuring vectors
Drawing polygons
o Matrix3D
Creating a matrix
Exploring matrix methods
Managing depth 356
- Drawing with bitmaps
o Recalling drawing triangles
o Rendering a mesh with drawTriangles()
- Summary
Chapter delapan Video in Flash
• Video on the Web
• Encoding an FLV
• Playing an FLV in Flash CS3
Using the Import Video wizard
Using the FLVPlayback component
Playing video using ActionScript
Using the FLVPlayback control components
Using the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component
Timed text XML for captions
Preparing and using alpha channel video
Going full screen with video
When video is not video
Your turn: XML captions for video
Playing with alpha channel video
• What you’ve learned
Chapter sembilan: Using the Flash UI Components to Build Interfaces
• Button component
Using the Button component
• Changing the Button component’s appearance
Styling components
• CheckBox component
• ColorPicker component
• ComboBox component
• DataGrid component
• Label component
• List component
• NumericStepper component
• ProgressBar component
• RadioButton component
• ScrollPane component
• Slider component
• TextArea component
• TextInput component
• TileList component
• UILoader component
• UIScroller component
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 10: CSS and Flash
• The power of CSS
Element selectors vs class selectors
Custom tags
Style inheritance
Styling hyperlinks
Embedded fonts
• Loading external CSS
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 11: Dynamic Data (XML) and Flash
• The power of XML
Writing XML
Loading an XML file
• E4X
E4X bonus round
• Your turn: Using XML to build a slideshow
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 12: Going Mobile in Flash
• Flash and devices
• Device Central CS3
• Creating a new Flash document using Device Central
Testing a mobile movie
Publishing a mobile movie
• Constructing a mobile application
Adding the gallery
• “Wiring it up” with ActionScript
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 13: Optimizing Flash Movies
• Flash’s “love-hate” Internet relationship
This “Internet” thing
Enter the World Wide Web
So who are these folks we call users?
• Streaming
• The Bandwidth Profiler
• Optimizing and fine-tuning your Flash movies
Optimizing elements in the movie
Using the Loader class to display images and SWFs
• Your turn: Creating a preloader
Optimizing Flash content for use in video
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 14: Publishing Flash Movies
• Web formats
Animated GIFs
- It’s showtime!
Publishing Flash movies containing linked files
- What you’ve learned
Chapter 1: Learning the Flash CS3 Professional Interface
• The Start page and creating a Flash document
• Managing your workspace
• Setting document preferences and properties
The Property inspector
Zooming the stage
• Exploring the panels in the Flash interface
The timeline
Using the Property inspector
The Tools panel
The library
Where to get help
• Using layers
• Your turn: Building a Flash movie
Adding the mountains and playing with color
Using trees to create the illusion of depth
Using a motion tween to create a twinkling star
A moon over Lake Nanagook
Breaking the stillness of the night at Lake Nanagook
Testing your movie
Your turn: Moonrise over Lake Nanagook
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 2: Graphics in Flash CS3
• The Tools panel
The Selection and Subselection tools
The Free Transform tool
The Gradient Transform tool
Object Drawing mode
Your turn: Moon rise at Lake Nanagook
• Drawing in Flash CS3
The Pencil tool
The Brush tool
The Eraser tool
The Pen tool
Your turn: Trees grow at Lake Nanagook
• Working with Color in Flash
Creating persistent custom colors
Your turn: Playing with color
• Using bitmap images in Flash
Working with bitmaps inside Flash
Your turn: Tracing bitmaps in Flash
JPG files and Flash
Using GIF files in Flash CS3
Importing Fireworks CS3 documents into Flash CS3
Importing Illustrator CS3 documents into Flash CS3
Importing Photoshop CS3 documents into Flash CS3
Notes from the Photoshop File Importer front
• Creating a banner ad
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 3: Symbols and Libraries
• Symbol essentials
Symbol types
Editing symbols
• Symbols and 9-slice scaling
The 9-slice “gotchas”
• Sharing symbols
Sharing libraries
• Filters and blend modes
Applying a Drop Shadow filter
Playing with blends
• Managing content on the stage
Aligning objects on the stage
Stacking order and using the Align panel
• Masks and masking
A simple mask
Using text as a mask
• Your turn: Creating a soft mask in Flash
Creating the cutout for the mask
A mask without a mask layer
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 4: ActionScript Basics
• The power of ActionScript
• The Actions panel
ActionScriptvs behaviors
• Everything is an object
Classes define objects
• Syntax
Commenting code
Dot notation
Data types
Conditional statements
Class files
Document class
• How to read the ActionScript 30 Language and Components Reference
Search tactics
Checking syntax
• Your turn: Using ActionScript
Pausing the main timeline
Looping the timeline
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 5: Audio in Flash CS3
• Flash and the audio formats
Bit depth and sample rates
Flash and MP3
• Adding audio to Flash
• Using audio in Flash
• Your turn: Adding sound to a button
• Controlling audio with ActionScript 30
Playing a sound from the library
Using a movieclip to play a sound
Playing a sound from outside of Flash
Turning a remote sound on and off
• Your turn: Building an MP3 player
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 6 Text in Flash CS3
• Fonts and typefaces
• Working with device fonts
• Types of text fields
Static text
Your turn: Playing with static text
Dynamic text
Input text
• HTML formatting
• Hyperlinks and Flash text
Using HTML for hyperlinks
Using hyperlinks to trigger ActionScript
• Embedding font outlines
• Checking spelling
• Your turn: A visit to the pond
Scrolling text
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 7: Animation in Flash CS3
• Shape tweening
Scaling and stretching
Shape tween modifiers
Altering shapes
Shape hints
Altering gradients
• Motion tweening
Motion tween properties
Scaling, stretching, and deforming
Custom easing
• Using animation
A closer look at the Timeline panel
Onion skinning
Editing multiple frames
Combining timelines
Motion tween effects
Motion guides
Tweening a mask
• Your turn: Making an animated button
An even cooler animated button
Copy motion as ActionScript 30
• What you’ve learned
Chapter 6: Controlling a Player Character
- Setting up the project files
- Controlling a player character with the keyboard
- Setting screen boundraies
- Scrolling
- Taking it further
- Sumarry
Chapter 7: Bumping into Things
- Setting up the project files
- Ouch!
- Changing a dynamic text field
- Triggering s change of state
- Reducing a health meter
- Updating a score
- Picking up and dropping objects
- Learning the bad news about hitTestObject
- Using hitTestObject
- Creating objects that block movement
- Working eith axis- based collision detection
- Summary
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Game Design
- Introducing object- oriented programming
- Case study: Dungeon Maze Adventure
- Modifying the game
- Removing objects from the game
- Summary
Chapter 9: Platform Game: Physics and Data Management
- Natural motion using physic
- Case study: Bug Catcher
- New CollisionplayerAndPlatfrom utility
- Summary
Chapter 10: Advanced Object and Character Control
- Dragging and dropping objects
- Moving objects with the mouse
- Easing—advanced
- Case study: Complex mouse- driven player control
- Object factories
- Enemy AI systems
- Using other player control systems
- Dispatching events
- Case study: Space Shooter
- Summary
Game Design Flash
Chapter 1: Programming Foundations: How to Make a Video Game
- Basics you need to have
- Things you need to know
- And the things you don't need to know
- It's all about programming
- Laying the foundation
- Writing your first program
- Publishing the SWF file
- Project Panel
- little more about AS30 and the Flash Player
- A little more about AS30 and the Flash Player
- Naming conventions
- Summary
Chapter 2: Making Objects
- Understanding Interactive Objects
- Drawing the first page
- Creating a character
- Using buttons
- Summary
Chapter 3: Programming Objects
- But I'm a bit scared of programming!
- Displaying the first page of the storybook
- Programming buttons
- Understanding events and event listeners
- Programming storybook buttons
- Summary
Chapter 4: Controlling Movie Clip Objects
- Movie Clip properties
- Making it bigger and smaller
- Vanishing!
- Having a look
- Controlling Movie Clip timelines
- Summary
Chapter 5: Decision Making
- Setting up the project files
- Designing a GUI
- Building a simple guessing game
- Learning more about variables
- Making decision
- Polishing up
- Taking it farther
- Sumarry